Proper Oral Rest Posture
Watch your tongue...
Proper oral rest posture includes:
Lips together (sealed)
Teeth slightly apart
Tongue position up on the roof of the palate
Relaxed, tension free facial and neck muscles
The tongue’s proper position is lightly suctioned to the upper palate at all times of the day and night. By building this habit early-on in life, the tongue acts like a natural expander of the palate. Palatal bones are adaptable, and maintaining this slight pressure over time can encourage the best chance for natural widening of the palate to accommodate the tongue in its proper place. This improves the airway and forward facial growth.
Provided the tongue is in the correct resting position and lips are sealed; together will improve nasal breathing, reduce mouth breathing, and snoring. As well as improve tongue-base obstruction, and positional sleep apnea or airway resistance.
Unfortunately, the tongue is an important muscle that tends to get overlooked. Improper tongue placement and movement can play a key role in the dysfunction of our body, with this in mind; where is your tongue at rest?
Having Proper Oral Rest Posture may help with:
Behavioral disorders
Neck/facial tension
Definition of facial tone
Forward facial growth
Nasal breathing
Healthy gut biome
Having Proper Oral Rest Posture may prevent:
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Crooked teeth
Facial asymmetry
Long face syndrome
Braces, multiple times
Speech impediments
Food aversions
How we can help
During myofunctional therapy, we teach clients the benefits and process of how to get the jaw and tongue to work independently of one another. By being aware, there can be significant improvement in your oral function, successfully preparing you to master the swallowing technique discussed in the next section.
At Breathing Essentials Myofunctional Therapy we can help establish correct tongue resting posture at the same time creating a more fluid swallowing technique. This promotes an improved airway and a healthier life.